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Virginia Drug Possession Attorney

As leading criminal defense attorneys in Virginia, we know that being accused of any crime is scary—especially if it carries the social stigma like drug crimes do. Luckily, S&R Law Firm can help. Reach out to us online or give us a call at (703) 273-6431 to explore your legal options.

Drug abuse is one of the most prevalent problems facing not just the great Commonwealth of Virginia, but the whole country. Unfortunately, the crisis is made worse by a general lack of awareness about the systemic problems that lead to drug usage, as well as prejudice against drug users.

At S&R Law Firm, we’re not here to judge you or make you explain yourself. We know that everyone—regardless of the charges against them—deserves a robust legal defense, and we’re here to provide it. But before we get started, you need to understand a few things.

First and foremost, you should understand that just because you were charged with a crime doesn’t mean you’re guilty. Investigators make mistakes all the time, as do prosecutors. However, your innocence won’t be enough to protect your future in the absence of an experienced drug possession defense attorney.

The best way to stop a drug possession charge from ruining your life is by contacting a trusted criminal defense attorney as soon as you can. This article will explain everything you need to know about drug possession charges in Virginia, as well as how a drug possession attorney can help.

Worried about your future? If you’ve recently been charged with drug possession, you’ve got a lot on the line. Don’t make the mistake of selecting a subpar attorney to deliver your defense. Schedule a free consultation online to speak with one of our top-tier legal advocates.

Understanding Drug Possession Charges in Virginia

The Commonwealth of Virginia has strict drug laws that were designed to reduce the flow of harmful illegal drugs. Despite those good intentions, it tends to be ordinary Virginians who pay the ultimate price, even when their drug crimes are limited to personal use.

A number of factors contribute to how drug possession is charged and sentenced in Virginia. Some of the most influential factors include a person’s criminal history, the quantity of drugs they are accused of possessing and the schedule classification of that drug.

It’s important to note that under Virginia law, “drugs” aren’t just street drugs—they include any controlled drug, substance or precursor for which the possessor does not have a prescription. State law divides controlled substances into six different categories called “schedules.”

Under this classification system, Schedule I drugs are considered the most serious and incur the harshest penalties; heroin and LSD are included under Schedule I. As the schedule number increases, the associated severity decreases. Schedule VI is the least serious drug schedule and includes toluene (which is found in many paints) and nitrous oxide (which is found in many aerosol cans).

Consequences of Drug Possession in Virginia

If convicted of drug possession in Virginia, you could face a range of harsh consequences, from legal penalties to personal ramifications to financial losses. Depending on the exact nature of your charge, a conviction could result in the following:

  • Criminal record. If you’re convicted of drug possession in Virginia, it will go on your criminal record. Although most possession convictions result in a misdemeanor, possession of a Schedule I or Schedule II drug may earn you felon status.
  • Fines. Depending on your specific charges, you may pay up to $2,500 in fines.
  • Other court-imposed penalties. You may be subject to other court-ordered penalties and conditions, especially if you’re pursuing a drug diversion program. These may include a restricted driver’s license, attendance in a treatment program, community service, drug testing, program costs and more.
  • Social stigma. Even after you’ve paid your fines and served your time, you will likely still face the stigma associated with a person convicted of drug crimes. This can have a devastating effect on your personal relationships, mental health and overall quality of life.
  • Barriers to employment and housing. When you have a criminal record, submitting to a background check can be a nerve-wracking, demoralizing event. You may find yourself unable to secure meaningful employment or struggle to get approved for appropriate housing—especially if you’re labeled as a felon.

As you can see, the stakes are high when you’re accused of drug possession in Virginia. You may face life-altering punishments and struggle for years to recover—even if you were only convicted of possession for personal use. That’s why it’s in your best to work with a talented attorney who can help you avoid conviction.

The Role of a Virginia Drug Possession Attorney

In the wake of drug possession charges, a Virginia drug possession attorney is your most valuable asset. These legal advocates play a crucial role in protecting your rights from the very beginning and do their best to ensure a fair legal process. Here are some of the many things an experienced drug possession lawyer in Virginia can provide:

  • Legal guidance. Virginia’s drug laws are complex, and navigating the legal system without a legal expert is next to impossible. A trusted attorney will walk you through the process and communicate with you every step of the way.
  • Negotiation. Your drug possession attorney can engage in plea negotiations with the prosecutor and help you secure more favorable outcomes, such as reduced charges and sentencing options.
  • Defense strategies. The right defense strategy for one case isn’t always the best strategy for another. An experienced attorney will work with you to find the most effective legal defense for the particular features of your case.
  • Court representation. Some criminal defense attorneys are extremely skilled behind the scenes but fail to perform in the courtroom. The best attorney for your case is one who can deliver a clear, compelling defense argument to the court.
  • Continued support. It’s never easy being accused of a crime, especially a drug-related offense. Your attorney should provide you with comprehensive support throughout the entire process, deliver clear communication and answer questions in a timely manner.

Keep in mind that many criminal defense attorneys make promises they can’t deliver on. That’s why it’s critical for Virginians who are facing drug charges to do due diligence in terms of researching a legal advocate.

S&R Law Firm: Top-Tier Criminal Defense Attorneys in Virginia

As leading defense attorneys in Virginia, we’ve worked with countless clients who’ve been charged with drug possession. We have an intimate understanding of the fear that surrounds drug possession charges in Virginia, but you need to understand that there is hope.

The best thing you can do now to secure your future is to partner with an attorney who has experience trying and winning cases like yours. Luckily, the lawyers at S&R Law Firm are up to the task.

When you’re ready to get started building an aggressive defense, contact a trusted Virginia criminal defense firm: S&R Law Firm. Getting started with us is easy. Simply schedule a free case evaluation with us online or call our office at (703) 273-6431 to speak with a compassionate attorney today.

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