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Arlington Criminal Defense Lawyer

Do you want to know one of the worst feelings in the world? If you’ve been charged with a crime, you already know it. It’s the feeling that everything you care about — your family, your job, your freedom — will be put on hold while you’re behind bars. It’s a feeling of helplessness, and almost nothing feels worse.

But you don’t have to feel helpless. You don’t have to sit back and take what the police and prosecutors are throwing at you. You can fight back with the help of an Arlington criminal defense lawyer. The right attorney — one with years of experience, a proven track record, and a deep understanding of Virginia law — can give you a shot at keeping everything you care about intact.

At S&R Law Firm, NOVA Defenders, we work tirelessly for our clients so we can give them that shot. We’re proud to say we’ve done it for countless Arlington residents who were in your shoes. Read on to see how we can help and why you need to contact a defense lawyer as soon as possible.

The Importance of an Arlington Criminal Defense Attorney

The problem for so many Arlington, Virginia, residents who have been charged with crimes is that they don’t realize just how much they need a criminal defense lawyer until it’s too late and they have already been convicted.

We don’t want that to happen to you. Here’s why you need to consider hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Arlington, VA:

Preventing Legal Mistakes

Even before you’re arrested and charged, you can start making mistakes that are hard to overcome if the police are already investigating you. But if you contact an attorney the moment you realize you are under suspicion, you can get expert advice on how to avoid missteps that could land you behind bars.

And if you have already been charged with a crime, anything you say or do could amount to a mistake that sinks any chance of beating your charge. Police and prosecutors are listening to and watching you very carefully, waiting for you to slip up and even manipulating you into doing so. A criminal defense attorney can guard you from these attempts to make sure you don’t make irreversible mistakes.

Building a Strong Defense

It’s not just about avoiding legal mistakes, though. An Arlington trial attorney can start building a legal defense against your charge as soon as you hire them.

Ultimately, you are going to need a defense, and the prosecutors who want to put you in prison are going to do everything they can to poke holes in the arguments you come up with. That’s their job, and they are good at it.

Trying to defend yourself in court against a professional prosecutor with a law degree is like bringing a broom to a sword fight — you’re probably not going to get far. But your criminal defense lawyer can do all the fighting for you. They do this by building a strong legal defense based on the details of your case.

Here are some examples of defenses a lawyer may be able to develop for you:

  • Police violated your rights or broke the law during your investigation or arrest.
  • The evidence against you was mishandled during collection or processing.
  • Your actions were in defense of others or yourself.
  • Someone stole your identity or was trying to frame you for the crime.
  • You have been mistaken for someone else who did commit the crime in question.
  • You’re the victim of a false accusation.

Your specific defense will depend on the unique details of your case, but an experienced attorney can build you the strongest possible defense no matter your situation.

Seeking the Best Possible Outcome

The ultimate goal of fighting a criminal charge is getting it dropped or being found innocent. That’s a given, and your Arlington defense lawyer will pursue those outcomes through all possible avenues.

However, those outcomes sometimes are simply not on the table. What does that mean for you? Does it mean you’re definitely going to jail or prison? Not necessarily.

A seasoned defense attorney can pursue intermediate options by negotiating with prosecutors. They may be able to get your charge reduced to a less serious one that comes with less incarceration and lower financial penalties. They may even be able to seek one of several deferred adjudication options, in which you are placed on probation or put through a drug treatment or similar program to avoid facing criminal penalties.

Of course, actually securing outcomes like those requires knowledge of the legal system and relationships with prosecutors. Those are things that the best Arlington defense lawyers will have in spades.

Charged with a Crime in Arlington?

Have you been charged with a crime in Arlington? Then you need to know you’re in a serious situation. Don’t let terms like “misdemeanor” fool you into thinking this is no big deal — some misdemeanors can land you in jail for a year and stick you with thousands of dollars in fines. Then, of course, you have felonies, which can result in decades or life in prison and fines that are more than six figures.

The good news? An Arlington criminal defense lawyer can help you avoid those punishments and take back control of your life. At S&R Law Firm, NOVA Defenders, we are prepared to help our clients with charges for the following crimes and citations, among many others:

Get the Legal Help You Deserve. Contact S&R Law Firm, NOVA Defenders.

You deserve a shot at beating this charge. But the only way you’re going to get what you deserve is if you take the right steps. And one of those steps is contacting an Arlington criminal defense attorney who can build a winning defense for you.

As experienced Arlington trial attorneys, the team at S&R Law Firm, NOVA Defenders is prepared to step up and fight for you. We know what you’re going through, and we know you deserve better. We will work tirelessly to give you better. To get started, call our friendly and helpful team at 703.273.6431 or reach out online.

Client Reviews

An excellent attorney with much knowledge and a skilled litigator which is highly recommended to anyone seeking counsel.


The S&R Law Firm as a whole comes with my high recommendations as to their professionalism, affordability, and legal capabilities.


I hired the S&R law firm to represent me in a legal action. I was very pleased with their professional, yet also compassionate approach to my case.


S&R Law Firm is an honest, affordable, professional, and extremely personable firm. S&R provides five-star services!


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