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Fairfax Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you were arrested in Fairfax, it probably felt like the whole world was coming down on just you. But police arrest thousands of people in Fairfax County, Virginia, every year, with more than 34,000 arrests in 2019 alone.

Unfortunately, there’s no safety in numbers here — you are still facing severe consequences that could alter the course of your life. And it’s up to you to make the right choices to protect your future. You can do what thousands in your situation choose to do every year: Contact a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer for help fighting your charge.

At S&R Law, NOVA Defenders, we fight tirelessly for those who have been charged with crimes because we believe everyone deserves the best criminal defense possible. Read on to learn how we can help you, or contact us now to get started on your defense.

How a Fairfax Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You

What difference will a defense lawyer in Fairfax make in your case? In reality, an attorney could make all the difference. It’s not easy to come up with hard numbers on how much hiring a lawyer can help when you’ve been charged with a crime, but research shows that the difference attorneys can make is huge.

For example, a study found that defense attorneys in one city reduced clients’ murder conviction rate by 19 percent and the chance of receiving a life sentence for murder by 62 percent. Of course, not every charge is as serious as murder. Here’s a look at how S&R Law, NOVA Defenders can help you with various types of criminal charges in Fairfax, VA:

Traffic Offenses

Traffic offenses range from the relatively minor speeding ticket to the extremely serious DUI or reckless driving charge. Anywhere on that spectrum, however, you’re facing penalties that can disrupt your life. You can lose your driver’s license if you get enough traffic tickets, and if you’re convicted of reckless driving, you could even spend time in jail. Our criminal defense team is prepared to fight your traffic offense for you.

Drug Crimes

Fairfax police and prosecutors take drug crimes seriously. Make no mistake — if you’ve been charged with a drug-related crime like possession or distribution, you’re in a serious situation that could mean years in prison.

We’re prepared to help you get out of this situation. We’ll take an in-depth look at the evidence against you and the case the prosecutor is making and find the holes.


Grand larceny, petit larceny, shoplifting — whatever the theft-related crime you’ve been charged with is called, you need to know that it’s not something that will go away if you just ignore it. Fortunately, you can get the legal help you need by contacting a Fairfax defense attorney.

Violent Crimes

Charged with assault and battery? Charged with something worse? All violent crimes can leave you charged with a felony if the circumstances were serious enough. Even if you’re facing a misdemeanor, you are looking down the barrel of steep fines and time behind bars. But an experienced attorney can help.

White Collar Crimes

Because white collar crimes look a little different than many other types of crimes, some people think the punishment will somehow be different. It won’t be. If you’re convicted of embezzlement, extortion, fraud, or any other white collar crime, you still could spend time in jail or prison and be forced to pay thousands of dollars in fines.

3 Reasons to Fight Your Charge in Fairfax County, VA

Many people who are charged with a crime don’t understand how important it is to take quick and effective action to fight the charge. They feel that they don’t have a chance or that they somehow deserve to be convicted. Both of those things are untrue. You do have a chance, and you deserve a strong defense. Here are three reasons to consider fighting your criminal charge:

1. Conviction Could Mean Incarceration

When you hear “felony,” you probably know that this kind of charge can leave you in prison. But when you hear “misdemeanor,” you may make the mistake of thinking that there’s no way you could end up behind bars. But you could — you could spend six months to a year in jail if you’re convicted of a Class 2 or Class 1 misdemeanor.

2. Your Future Matters

In the best-case scenario, time in jail or prison puts your life on pause. Your family, career, and relationships don’t move forward while you serve your time, and when you come out, you feel like you’re starting at a deficit. But that’s the best-case scenario. In worse — and more common — cases, you lose your career, your family is permanently damaged, and your relationships dissolve while you’re incarcerated. You deserve better than that.

3. You Have a Right to Fight Back

You deserve better than that, and you can have better than that. You have a right to mount a legal defense against the charge you are facing. That means you have a right to a Fairfax criminal defense lawyer who can fight to keep you out of jail or prison, keep your record clear, and keep your future bright.

Why S&R Law, NOVA Defenders?

You have a right to an attorney, but does that mean that any attorney can beat your charge? Not at all. Public defenders are often overworked and forced to focus on far too many cases at once. And other private attorneys may treat you like a number — not a person.

That’s not the kind of treatment you’ll get with S&R Law, NOVA Defenders. We specialize in Virginia criminal and traffic law, meaning we know how to fight just about any charge you bring to us. And we take the outcome of your case personally. In other words, we put you first.

Reach Out to a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Fairfax

A Fairfax criminal defense attorney at S&R Law, NOVA Defenders is ready to help you. We know how serious this situation is, and we know what it takes to get out of it. There’s no reason to wait any longer — call our firm at 703.273.6431 or contact us online to start building your defense today.

Client Reviews

An excellent attorney with much knowledge and a skilled litigator which is highly recommended to anyone seeking counsel.


The S&R Law Firm as a whole comes with my high recommendations as to their professionalism, affordability, and legal capabilities.


I hired the S&R law firm to represent me in a legal action. I was very pleased with their professional, yet also compassionate approach to my case.


S&R Law Firm is an honest, affordable, professional, and extremely personable firm. S&R provides five-star services!


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